Place-Based Investment Loan Program
Applications are now closed for Round 1 of the Place-Based Investment Loan Program recently initiated by the Parish. The Program provides 0% interest loans for targeted redevelopment projects that create a positive visual impact and will accelerate economic activity. Loans may range from $5,000 to $50,000, with up to 40% forgiven.
Please check back for updates on Round 1 projects and future rounds of funding.
Eligible projects include replacement of commercial signs; parking lot reductions or repavement with water management features; and facade improvements to commercial historic structures.
Projects must be located in one of the following corridors:
Major Corridor Overlay District (Airline Hwy., Hwy. 51, Belle Terre Blvd., or Woodland Drive)
River Road Historic District (Lucy, Edgard, Wallace)
Reserve Historic District
Garyville Historic District
Applications must first be submitted to determine project eligibility. This application can be found here.(PDF, 384KB)
Once a project is determined to be eligible, applicants may submit a loan application.
For general questions about the program, please contact South Central Planning and Development Commission (SCPDC) by phone at 1-800-630-3791 or by e-mail at
For project-specific questions, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 985-651-5565.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) on the program can be found here.(PDF, 420KB)